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Consolidate - Collaborate - Automate

Validaide overview for Pharmaceutical manufacturers

Validaide offers a market-leading application to manage all your Lane Risk Assessments and Lane SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) in one digital platform, ensuring simplified GDP compliance with faster lane qualifications and reduced transport risk.


With our unique collaboration functionality you can easily work together with your logistics partners to create and approve Lane Risk Assessments in a consistent digital format.

Validaide for Manufacturers

What Validaide offers to Pharmaceutical manufacturers

We offer a single digital platform to consolidate your Lane Risk Assessments and SOPs in a standardized format, leveraging on our unique platform capabilities

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Consolidate Lane Risk Assessments in a standard digital format, integrating a variety of data sources and healthcare handling capabilities from more than 1500 logistics suppliers.


Collaborate with your business partners to share, edit and approve Lane Risk Assessments and SOPs using our unique data sharing and approval workflow capabilities.


Automate the review, approval and management of Lane Risk Assessments with advanced automation and smart change control features that replace repetitive manual activities.

Your Digital Platform for Lane Risk Assessments

White Validaide logo


The planning of healthcare shipments can result in fragmented data access, repetitive activities, inflexible supply chains, unnecessary logistics costs and product temperature excursions.


Validaide can help you to be more efficient, more flexible and reduce shipment incidents.

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Simplified GDP Compliance

Consolidate and Standardize LRAs and SOPs in one digital platform with automated workflows to eliminate manual and redundant activities.

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Improved Supply Chain Agility

Accelerate your Lane qualification process with a data-driven approach and digital collaboration with logistics partners.

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Reduced Transport Risk

Ensure product integrity with improved visibility on transport risk throughout your global distribution network.

Approve your Packaging in Validaide

 Manufacturers can document Approved packaging solutions pulling data from thermal packaging repository on Validaide, to then be used in Lane Risk Assessments

Basic against Premium offer to Pharma manufacturers

Add your Approved Packaging List

Maintain an approved packaging database on Validaide and establish connections between your products and packaging solutions.

Additional packaging product details

All the relevant info can be pulled with a single click from the packaging repository.  Extra details such as qualification documents  can be stored.​

Include Packaging in LRAs

In Validaide you can include your approved packaging in Lane Risk Assessments.

Case Study

Read about Validaide from a Manufacturer

“Previously we had to manage hundreds of SOPs and Lane Risk Assessments in different formats, now we manage them all in one location, easy to access, easy to approve.”

Christian Doepke

Manager of Freight Global Solutions

“Validaide is a user-friendly platform with up-to-date industry information. With its diverse community of supply chain stakeholders, we can make better-informed decisions and have a strong supply chain overview.”

Kim Rosendal

Senior Director - Logistics

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A case study on how a life science manufacturer digitized its Lane Risk Assessments and SOPs

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Yusen Logo
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Jas Logo
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Ceva Logistics logo
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If you want to know more

Please contact us below or read here 

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Arthur van Schendelstraat 650


3511 MJ Utrecht

The Netherlands

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